GOLF Tournament ONLY SPONSORSHIP  (Not a combination sponsorship with Awards Celebration)

Breakfast Sponsor (one available) $500

  • Signage at breakfast counter with labels on burritos
  • Email/social media blasts and printed program recognition
  • Luncheon slide show recognition at the golf tournament
  • Exclusive hole signage (no other “hole signs” present at this hole)


Specialty Hole Sponsor (two available) $250 Dress Up Hole / Kick the Ball

  • Email/social media blasts and printed program recognition
  • Luncheon slide show recognition at the golf tournament
  • Exclusive hole signage (no other “hole signs” present at this hole)
  • Sponsor MUST staff their hole game!!!


Drink Cart Sponsor (four available) $250

  • Signage on the drink cart
  • Email/social media blasts and printed program recognition
  • Luncheon slide show recognition at the golf tournament
  • Custom signage (all drink sponsors on 1 page) attached to EVERY GOLF CART!!!
  • Signage at a single golf hole (not exclusively on a hole, multiple signs at holes)


Hole Sponsor (unlimited) $100

  • Signage at a single golf hole (not exclusively on a hole, multiple signs at holes)
  • Luncheon slide show recognition at the golf tournament


Gift Card Bonanza Sponsor (unlimited) $100 minimum

  • Luncheon slide show recognition at the golf tournament
  • Verbal acknowledgement from President/emcee during Gift Card Bonanza giveaway
  • Can either donate a gift card from YOUR business **OR** pay $100, we’ll get a card from a local restaurant/establishment and credit your business from the podium (minimum value of $100 for gift card bonanza)



COMBO SPONSORSHIP  (Golf Tournament*AND* Awards Celebration)

Honeycrisp Sponsor (one avail) $5,000     

  • Platinum signage on:  both event programs, both event registrations, monthly luncheon tables, monthly slide show presentations, event slide shows, social media/email blasts
  • Feature article in social media blast
  • Golf Foursome
  • Table of 8 at Awards celebration  
  • Exclusive golf hole signage  
  • 10 minutes microphone time at each event to promote business
  • B&W logo on golf event STAFF t-shirts  
  • Shout outs at events prior to golf/awards


McIntosh Sponsor (two avail) $2,500     

  • Gold (smaller) signage on:  both event programs, event registrations, monthly luncheon tables, monthly slide show presentations, event slide shows, social media/email blasts
  • Golf Foursome
  • Table of 8 at Awards celebration  
  • Golf hole signage (not exclusively on a hole, multiple signs at holes)
  • B&W logo on golf event STAFF t-shirts  
  • Shout outs at events prior to golf/awards


Granny Smith Sponsor  (four avail) $1,250     

  • Silver (smaller) signage on:  both event programs, event registrations, monthly luncheon tables, monthly slide show presentations, event slide shows, social media/email blasts
  • Golf Foursome ($350 value)
  • Two tickets to Awards celebration ($200 value)
  • Golf hole signage (not exclusively on a hole, multiple signs at holes)
  • B&W logo (very small) on golf event STAFF t-shirts  
  • Shout outs at events prior to golf/awards